Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.
Yesterday was St Valentine’s Day, a day where people celebrate love in remembrance to the Saint Valentine among other things. This city was colored red. I had never seen so many flowers everywhere.
At my work place, I believe all the ladies received flowers; at least those that made it to work yesterday. Everybody I met was in a jovial mood but what do you expect when we live in the happiest city on earth?
It is absolutely fascinating the kind of information you can come across not just online but on the darker rarely accessed cyber alleys. Lots of interesting tales about the authenticity of all the history we have been taught. My findings did not settle so well with me, and out of the window this celebration went.
You may come out saying; I am hating because I am single. I am not single, in fact far from that. And even if I was. That would not stop me from watching the spectacle of the day unfolding. This is Kampala where whether you are or against something you surely can not stop if from unfolding.
Well, the day is over and everything that happened has become a memory. I have learned not to take consolation in the day passing. I have lived on this planet long enough to know that some days may pass casually only to realize weeks later that you were maimed then.
True, most people had fun last night. But well, hearts too were broken. Some families were torn apart. I bet some people will receive termination letters after their bosses saw through whatever excuses they gave for not showing up to work yesterday.
On the long list of possibilities from yesterday, heartbreaks and unemployment do not top the list. The list has incurable diseases coming in first followed by unwanted pregnancies. How many people will have their lives permanently changed by the last 24 hours?
I know a friend whose life was changed forever by five minutes of intercourse twelve years ago. About yesterday; how many contracted diseases? How many got unwanted pregnancies? How many will spend the rest of their lives taking medication?
Some relationships varnished with the darkness at dawn, never to have any more loving conversations with him ever again. I am wondering, shouldn't this day be about lust than love, surely lust supersedes love on this day.
Then the questions begin. So he dumped you today morning? Or is he suddenly too busy to talk to you? He used you? You got heartbroken? Do not worry with time you will move past this and live happily thereafter.
As months pass some more questions pop up. Did you miss your periods? Have you surely checked for them in your room? You didn’t use protection? Are you reminded that you forgot to buy the morning-after pill? What do you mean he only gave you the Uber fare?
Are you going to abort? Will you be able to handle any complications that may arise from that? Is it your first pregnancy? So do you want to abort your first child? Are you sure it is not your first abortion? Did you say you don’t have money for an abortion?
So you want to become a single mother? Your mother being a single parent herself, will she be happy about it? What do you mean you don’t have a job? How did you get your mom to let you out till late that night? What if she throws you out?
Months down the road. Did you test positive for HPV? Do you mean HIV? Do you realize it is incurable? Hepatitis? Why doesn’t the government have free drugs for it too? You spend a lung on medication monthly? Did he cut off all communication with you? What do you really want with him? Wasn’t the sex consential? Why are you raising this now? Are you expecting more questions? Shouldn’t you wait for my next post?