The Best Team I Know
At every stage of our lives, we are surrounded with people. People we interact with. People we live with. People we work with. People we go with to school or church. It could even be a regular commuter you encounter on public transport frequently.
With time, bonds are created between us and these people. The closeness, and the daily interactions, unspoken of these people and you are a team. At home with parents and siblings that is the first team you should consider.
The best team i know is our team, our week one boot camp team. Before you ask, my family is the greatest team but that is a story for another day. Today i will focus on the best team and not the greatest team because that is an unmatched team.
At the helm of the team, is the captain, the commander of this regiment, our learning facilitator Stanley Barnabas Nagwere. Often know by the first names, Stanley Barnabas blew me away the first time i met him. His humility is unbelievable. I will admit this humility got me mistaking him for a boot camper on the first day. He brushed it off with “do not worry, we are all the same.”
He had me taken aback with his humility but his word is unwavering and solid. With his calm tone he will have key-on on crucial issues with a smile across his face. My admiration for him also springs from the fact that he runs a tech venture and yet he is giving back to the community and industry by volunteering in training the next generation of technologists.
Then comes the lovely Daisy Obura. And yes i said lovely. What is not to like about her? Daisy will wear a smile everyday every time. I wonder whether she smiles in her sleep. Daisy is soft-spoken but will have her point made clearly. She strives to be a leader in tech hence an inspiration. I must add I do consult her often about my writing.
Then comes Francis Kiryowa. Seldom speaks unless spoken to but he is a happy soul. Francis will have your back on anything amiss like a navy seal on a mission. Francis springs into action when ever you point out a blocker or an error. He seems to have a solution to every tech related problem that arises. He is fun to be with, and will encourage you on the journey to better yourself.
Then comes Okecho Joan. Coming from an economist background she has me thinking that maybe she will soon be the queen of the block chain technology. You know crypto currencies and economics. Talking money already with her passion for tech I think she is going to be super rich soon. But then I have to ask her about if she even has an interest in block chain technology. Joan loves to get to the bottom of everything and will having you answering not just the “how” but the “why”.
Our team is incomplete without Arnold Mukone a concrete pillar of this team. I think we are unrivaled and the whole tech industry ought to watch out for us. We are relentless. We are passionate. We strive for excellence. We are tomorrow’s technologists.