Starting life as an Ex-Andelan.

Derrick Sekidde
2 min readSep 25, 2019


My Team and I at the recently concluded IoT Hackathon.

With the recent restructuring at my former workplace, I was let go. Here is a link from the CEO talking about that decision. After the announcement, I had a multitude of thoughts going through my mind.

Everyone asked me how I felt about the news. To this day, I cannot pinpoint a particular emotion for what and how I felt. To put it simply, I felt every known emotion. How do I feel now? I am still not sure.

Regardless of how I feel now or will feel days after this, I have made peace with the facts on the ground. One, a decision was made, a decision I had no control over, and one I can not undo.

Two, life goes on no matter whatever decision is made. With the above two facts firmly cemented in my heart, I had no choice but to look ahead, look past the current situation, and make the best of the future.

I have a dream. A dream to become a World-Class Developer. I am grateful to Andela for kick-starting my journey. It is time for me to continue this journey and encounter all sorts of challenges. I have a “sweet tooth” for challenges and I can not wait.

I have decided to take this entire situation as an opportunity as well. I have since then embarked on a journey to improve myself and progressively grow my skills, for I can see the realization of my dream on the horizon.

I have undertaken new initiatives to learn and grow professionally, I am currently pursuing a nano-degree on Udacity as well as other platforms. I am looking at contributing to Open Source projects too.

I have diversified as Software Engineer and have now embarked on mastering new stacks that were unfamiliar to me. This will be an addition to my skills and increase my rate of success when I apply for employment.

Until I onboard onto another company’s codebase as an employer, for now, I will keep doing what I do best, “Learn as though my life depends on it.”

PS: In case of a software role kindly reach out to me on Linkedln:



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