Derrick Sekidde
2 min readMar 21, 2019

Grasping the knots in css3.

Entangled rope knots representing css3(Photo by Miguel. A. Amutio on Unsplash)

A celebratory mood is what I had after getting the go ahead to start my challenge two. The first challenge is always my hardest specifically css3, you can never have a perfect interface and when you think you have, responsiveness kicks in.

Having all the “divs” right not only causes headaches but serious migraines. Front end development is like untangling a pile of jumbled knots; boy scouts and fishermen can relate. It is an art.

Like all things it requires patience and discipline. Patience in not trying to fix everything at once. Discipline by handling one ‘knot’ at a time. Pick one ‘div’ work on that, and move on to the next that has been my approach and it has worked.

The most memorable and most fascinating aspect of this experience has been experimenting with everything. It takes a lot of time but I have learnt to try out everything without caution.

I have tried to have my ‘margin’ and ‘padding’ values from decimals, percentages to negatives. I have had different ‘display’ values for parent and child ‘divs’ just to see what happens.

From all this I have learnt when to use what and when. They say experience is the best teacher and this teacher has taught me well, am grateful. I have noted cardinal rules on my learning journey and the first being never to rush applying display elements to container ‘divs’.

Another asset I have gained is feedback. I have sought and got feedback that has helped me have a better UX. I love challenges but I had feared css3 for being hard and having lots of things to learn.

I feel confident in my newly acquired css3 skills. I believe I can take on any challenge. No matter how hard it can be it will leave me, with sharper skills and a better developer.

One of my favorite movies is ‘A million ways to die in the wild west.’ So it is in css3 there are multiple ways to implement something and that is what I have done untying the intricate knots of css3 one at a time.

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