Facing my fear for Flask.
It is known for programmers to be clever people who come up with witty ways to get solutions for the problems at hand. I had a challenge at hand and it required using the Flask framework.
Flask! I hated Flask, even the archangel Michael in heaven knew I hated Flask. This was not my first time having a challenge that required Flask. The same witty idea that had got me out of the first Flask challenge had to be put to work again.
The programmer in me had my back on this the last time so I summoned him to get to work here as well. The last Flask Challenge I had used Flask Restful. So this time too bundled with Flask Restful I tackled the challenge at hand.
Come Monday, I was relaxed like a pensioner out on a Hawaiian beach. Then Samson, surely he must belong to one of the numerous political parties all over the place, political parties are theorized to hinder progress.
With Samson came the news that my challenge had to be done in strictly Flask. The curious coder in me jumped at the excitement of learning something new, while the pensioner at the Hawaiian beach just looked at the workload with a frown.
Life is a journey and to stay relevant, you ought to learn on a daily. And on this journey to greatness learning is two cents to my million dollar fortune. I will gladly spend that, any day! So head first I dived into Flask and about progress, wait, I will let you know when my coverage badge is at 99 Percent.